Prefer face-to-face networking
Launch Hakathon and TechCrunch Disrupt are launch programs with the goal to help each new startup launch successfully into the world market. Launch Hakathon focuses on helping startups develop their businesses by providing mentors while TechCrunch Disrupt concentrates on networking and exposing new tech startups to people, the media, and investors. However, both, TechCrunch Disrupt and Launch Hackathon, emphasize in their launch programs is startups to pitch their ideas, test their marketing, and network with professionals. In this article, we will discuss in detail why those three things, pitch, market feedback , and networking, creates a stronger startup and why every startup should add these to their startup launch list.
Every startup launch must learn how to pitch to an audience. Launch Hakathon and TechCrunch Disrupt have several event opportunities for startups to pitch in front of an audience and business leaders. This experience gives them the chance to hone in on a solid idea and solidify who they are. Startup launch lists should always include working on a pitch deck because it creates marketing and networking opportunities. As good as social media is to spread the word about your business, it will never be as impactful as a face to face pitch. A survey by The Startsup Co. says “84% of people prefer face to face networking because they build stronger relationships, can connect to your body language and facial expressions, and feel a stronger bond.” This means If your pitch makes an impact then it will give your startup launch a huge boost and advantage from your startup competition.
On your startup launch list your pitch needs to include these three main points:
Before a startup launches, it plans a marketing strategy. Each founder creates a direction they want their business to go and who they claim will be interested in their startup. The problem is what we think is the best way to market or who we should be marketing to is not always the right way.
Business Leaders, investors, and general public are present at Launch Hakathon and TechCrunch Disrupt because the best way to know if your startup has a strong market and targeting the right audience is presenting your idea to a large volume of people. Allowing yourself to take criticism and opinions from others can create insight and helpful tips for changes you need to make in your marketing strategy. This will often lead to a stronger customer base because the feedback will inform you of customers essential needs and wants. Overall, it is important in your startup launch list to keep checking, testing, and innovating your marketing strategy.
Launch Hakathon and TechCrunch Disrupt exposes startups to many professionals, business leaders, and potential partners. The organizers of these launch programs understand that you will need support and advice after your startup launch. All startups have tight funds but successful ones know when to spend hire a marketing profession or when to bring on a marketing consultant. It may seem cheaper at first to do everything yourself but it can be expensive and time consuming if this is your first startup venture. It is always better to do it right the first time in order to not waste your time and money redoing projects and tasks. Therefore a startup launch list should include networking with other professionals because you never know who you could meet to help with your startup.
At SunCity Advising, we help startups with marketing strategy, their online presence, and social media management. Marketing is our profession so let us help you so you do not have to waste time and money. We want to see your startup succeed. Check out our available services that can help your startup grow.