A Guide to Huffington
Post Submissions.
Follow backlinks
Looking for a spark to boost your website traffic? Try submitting content to the Huffington Post. Once approved, your article will include an uber-effective backlink to your website. Your site traffic will undoubtedly increase through the masses of Huffington Post readers clicking your link, while you will also reap the benefits of a bolstered SEO presence.
For those with less SEO experience, a backlink is your website URL, posted on a different website as anchor text, or a full URL link. When potential customers search for products or services you offer, search engines (Google) will give priority to websites with more, authoritative backlinks in terms of results-ranking. Credible backlinks are one of the primary driving forces behind search engine optimization. By having your content featured on Huffington Post, you can gain a valuable backlink that will boost your search engine ranking, while presenting your website link to millions of readers.
As it turns out, writing for the Huffington Post isn’t as daunting a task as it seems. The news company has already granted an astonishing 97.2 million “follow backlinks”—the most effective link type you can receive. Because of Huffington Post’s high daily traffic level, their backlinks retain credibility, even with the immense number of links they publish. The site boasts a domain score of 67, a trust score of 74, and an authority score of 90. In simpler terms, it is worth your time to obtain a Huffington Post feature. Let’s find out how it’s done.
Who can write for Huffington Post? Anyone—simple as that. There are criteria of what you can submit, however. You may write a pitch to be featured in either “HuffPost Opinion,” or “HuffPost Personal.” The category titles are self-explanatory: the opinion section accepts pieces that feature strong arguments and views backed up with evidence and critical analysis. The personal section must be written in first person, usually centered around unique life experiences from your individual perspective. Huffington Post emphasizes that both HuffPost Opinion and HuffPost Personal only accept content that has not been published anywhere else. Until your article idea is approved, you only need to worry about writing an effective pitch. Here is what Huffington Post considers a “good pitch.”
You may email your pitch to pitch@huffpost.com.
You may attempt to be featured on Huffington Post through conventional methods as discussed in the previous paragraph, or you can think outside the box.
At somewhat random times, Huffington Post opens their contributor platform registration. Obtaining a contributor account is valuable, as you can post articles without as much editor pre-approval. Do not count on this method, however, because registration is rarely open and spots are limited. Best of luck!
If you have time, try networking with Huffington Post editors. Direct e-mail or LinkedIn works fine. You’d be surprised at how effective a simple message complementing an article or asking discussion-creating questions can be. Once they are “part of your network,” it is likely they can ensure your pitch is accepted, granting you a valuable backlink plus increased site traffic. A much more difficult tactic is to write something so eye-catching and unique, that a Huffington Post editor can’t help but inquire about re-publishing your article. When this happens, you will typically be set up with a contributor account as well.
We hope that this guide to submitting content to Huffington Post helps you achieve a featured article with a powerful backlink. This feat usually requires extensive work, however. Many digital marketing consultants offer guidance through this process. SunCity Advising has helped numerous clients create content with backlink-features on authoritative websites like Huffington Post.